Birthday today. Usually this meant going to work just like any other day. Very kind colleagues having a cake and generously acknowledging my birthday. Always much appreciated. But the fact is, the day was never really different because work is work. The same crises, the same frustrations, the same responsibilities that weighed so heavily on me. But this morning, when I woke up on birthday morning and realized it was MEtirement birthday, it was a whole new experience.
As I have been saying, every day is about new adventures. Today started out with my favorite Breadsmith Orange Chocolate Chip muffin and coffee with my dear friend Mark. It just so happens that Friday is always Orange Chocolate Chip muffin day as you know if you have been reading my blog, so it could not have worked out better! Thanks Mark for sharing my first METIRED birthday morning with me!
Of course, the BIRTHDAY part is not lost on me. The days are moving quickly, another year has gone by and my work as a lawyer is all but over. One can’t help but worry (worry might be too strong a word) that this initial euphoria and energy will be fleeting. It doesn’t feel that way now but who knows?
I am definitely not looking backwards. I got a birthday card which I found to be just hysterically funny. Hallmark definitely knows how to capture life’s major milestones. If you stand in front of the greeting cards and have the patience (and MEtirement time!), you can generally find the PERFECT card for the particular occasion! In this case, the card said it all:
In MEtirement there is no looking backwards. It is all forward motion. And looking ahead means planning ahead for long-term and short term projects. The holidays are almost upon us and cooking will dominate the next three weeks. I will definitely be making Sally’s Salted Caramel Pretzel Crunch Bars which are, no kidding, the greatest thing since chocolate chip cookies! I am thinking of serving these for appetizers, a main course and dessert. Just kidding. But they are THAT GOOD.
Thanks to everyone (especially my wonderful children) for the kind birthday wishes. Today feels special and you all made it so. Enjoy every moment whether you are MEtired or not. That is an art I was never able to embrace while I was working. The art of appreciating every minute of every day no matter what you are doing. If you don’t like what you are doing, find something on the side that is different that you do enjoy. Happily, the things I love are no longer “on the side” but are the dominating factors in my life. And I could not appreciate this fact more……………
Happy Birthday Jane!!!
I love your blog and always look forward to reading your recipes and random thoughts on life. Keep up the good blog.
Mike DuBrul
You made my day! Thanks for sticking with me!