It has been about 3 weeks since I have not gone to the office or checked my email every 5 minutes. I have weaned myself down to once every two hours. This is quite an accomplishment for me. I have been studying the art and technology of blogging. Talking to consultants, watching youtube videos, reading books, doing all I can to get some confidence about all of this.
When you work for nearly four decades and try something completely new, you have to just jump in the pool and hope for the best. This is not only true of my new blog but also in my choice of daily activities. Let’s start with YOGA. I am totally type A. Cannot sit still for a minute without doing something, usually reading something–email, books, blogs, magazines. Not one minute of just thinking. Or sitting. So I decided to embrace YOGA. I have gone to a few classes and since I am no longer thinking about work every minute of every day, I am actually getting into this sitting, breathing, stretching, empty brain thing. It’s funny but I hear a little voice in my head saying “relax, calm down, stop thinking!” So far, so good. And what is interesting is that I have pushed myself to go on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. I have considered not going but something about Metirement and my new vision of the world, pushes me forward. “Don’t give up yet. Don’t quit. Stick with your new habit”.
I read somewhere that if you do something for 21 days–or you don’t do something for 21 days–you will be patterned to do it (or not do it, as the case may be). Take going to the gym or taking a daily walk. Maybe you have never been diligent or devoted to such activities. So now that you have free time, try something for 21 days and stick to it. Eat healthier. Drink more water. Read more. Pick anything that will positively improve your life.
This is such a good time to change your life. Make the most of it.
And one thing you can do is make zucchini pancakes with yogurt sauce because they are just so yummy and good for you. A meatless meal once in a while is so good for you and helps you add more vegetables to your day. Always a good thing.
Get my recipe for Zucchini Pancakes with Greek Yogurt and Feta here.
Enjoy pancakes for dinner! Start a new habit! And thanks for reading all the way to the bottom of my blog.