Welcome to METIREMENTBLOG. The second act of my life. The first was a hectic, stressful and challenging life as a partner in a law firm and then a rewarding stint as a corporate General Counsel. My greatest joy and favorite title now and forever is Grandma.
My goal is for you is to be inspired by the recipes in this blog which are a celebration of high quality ingredients combined in a simple, healthy way. You will find sprinkled throughout my posts lots of tips and tricks which I have developed over many years. Everything from how to get the full intensity out of herbs and spices to making real hollandaise sauce out of yogurt.
My passion for food began in early childhood. Believe it or not in the 1950’s my mother went to work during the week and so, on the weekends when she had the time, she liked to tackle the featured recipe in the Sunday New York Times. I always got the chopping and peeling jobs which is why they are probably my least favorite tasks now. I can still picture the food on the plate and the look on her face as she served it to her adoring fans (my Dad and me).
My mother’s job and her ability to fix an incredible dinner ever single day set an example for me as a mother of three with a full time job. I made a home -cooked dinner nearly every weekday by planning out everything on Sundays. Like my mother, I had a (usually tattered and food spattered) spiral bound notebook and I would plan out all of the meals for the week. The notebook has a column on the left for my shopping list and menus for the week on the right side. The notebook went with me to the grocery store on Sunday mornings and when I got home I made as many of the side dishes (and some main courses) as I could depending on the level of freshness that could be maintained. I used slow cookers for some dinners, having prepped the dish in advance so all I had to do in the morning was plug it in. I grilled year-round and made things like chili ahead of time. I hope to share some of this working mother (or father or caregiver) meal planning and execution with you because even if you don’t leave your house to go to work, every mother is a working mother. Day in and day out.
In case you can’t tell, I am totally passionate about food. Why? Because it connects us to everyone we love. I share my mother’s belief that a home cooked meal generates conversation that never would have taken place in another context. Planning meals and enjoying them with my family (all grown up now) reminds me of my connection to my mother and father and the wonderful meals we shared. I hope the same is true for my all too busy children. These days, everyone is trying to balance from-scratch healthy weeknight meals with some indulgent treats and you will find those here as well. Also, a home cooked meal does not have to have only homemade ingredients. High quality, yes. But everything from scratch, no. Jarred marinara sauce is one example. I have lots of other shortcuts to show you, none of which lessen the flavor or quality of the dish. You will also find many of the recipes to be kid friendly and not typical kid fare. Chicken cakes anyone?
Now that I am MEtired, I have plenty of time to cook , bake and try to up my food photography game. I want this blog to be not only beautiful, for the food to be enticing and inspiring enough that you want to make it, but also for you to love it so much that you want to hang out here with me!
Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope you will share the recipes and tips with friends and family and that you will celebrate one delicious meal at a time along with me.
To get in touch with me, please visit my CONTACT page. I’m always looking for new opportunities to work together with brands or fellow bloggers, and my media kit is available upon request.
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